“Inclusive digital education and laboratory training by connecting rail educational
The project is an Erasmus strategic partnership (KA 2). IDEALCAREL is part of the specialcall “Digital education”.
The project started
on the March 1st 2021 and ends on the February 28th 2023
In engineering studies at the university level, academic practical exercises support the students in expanding their theoretical knowledge of a particular engineering area with practical solutions to any given problem. This is especially true in the railway sector. Traditionally, this kind of education takes place in specific railway laboratories with live student participation. Railway laboratories, as an important educational and research base of the university, serve also in the education of railway experts for practical purposes, i.e. for staff of infrastructure managers and railway companies. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the usual educational lectures and exercises were no longer possible due to social distancing. Because of that, new ideas have to be developed on how the contents of the exercises can be taught digitally to be prepared for challenges such as a pandemic in the future.
The IDEALCAREL project is focused on the education of railway engineers at universities and aims at equipping the education of railway engineers to face the challenges presented by the shift to online and distance learning, including supporting teachers to develop digital competencies and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities.
With IDEALCAREL, the project consortium envisages three universities that offer bachelor's and master's degree study programs including courses in the railway laboratory. So, the project partners are linked by the usage of special practical training in railway laboratories. The need for an innovative approach to education within the transition to digital formulates a unique opportunity to create new methodological procedures in training. This will ensure the creation of a unified curriculum despite various national differences in traffic management and regulatory procedures of railway infrastructure managers. At the same time, the project contributes to meeting the objectives of EU transport policy, which includes the creation of a single European railway area and to the establishment of an interoperable railway system.
Project Meetings
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic travel restrictions, the kick-off and one working meeting in the first year were held online. The rest of the meetings were held in person in Germany and Croatia:
March 2021
Kickoff meeting
October 2021
Working meeting
April 2022
Live working meeting
Braunschweig, Germany
July 2022
Live working meeting
Žilina, Slovakia
Oktober 2022
Live working meeting
Zagreb, Croatia
February 2023
Final conference meeting and multiplier event
Braunschweig, Germany
Intellectual Outputs (IO)
IO 1
is a case study about the European Railway sector. With a special focus of the labour market and the railway university sector across Europe
IO 2
teaching material and didactical support for trainers will be developed this includes:
- A didactical concept what can be used by every technical university.
- Teaching material for students for laboratory sessions
- A handbook for trainers to support them in online sessions
- Description of Laboratories
IO 3
technical advice material for railway exercises will be developed this includes
- A generic rule book, which can be uses internationally
- Proposal for a remote exercise
- Proposal for mixed exercises (exercise in laboratory and online).
- A concept for innovative railway engineering exercises
- Technical Requirements